Das Datum der Rückfahrt

e-podroznik.pl Call CentreMöchten Sie den Fahrplan prüfen und Ticket kaufen?
Rufen Sie an 703502802Rund um die Uhr
Kosten: 3,69 PLN mit MwSt/Min
Bereitgestellt von Progress Plus s.c.
Call Center gibt Auskunft sowohl über Verbindungen als auch über Fahrpreise und ermöglicht Ticket übers Telefon zu kaufen. Erreichbar zwischen 8:00 - 19:00 Uhr,
365 Tage im Jahr.

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Informationen ausblenden

Karte ausblenden
  • Sie müssen sich einloggen um die Seite anzusehen.
Login with ticket numberThe booking details and manage your ticket: returning the ticket, changing the date of travel or passenger data and downloading the ticket again

Login with your e-mail

Frequently asked questions

  Can I re-download the ticket myself?

Yes, log in to the YOUR TICKETS panel using a 20-digit Ticket number. The number can be found on the ticket or in the e-mail correspondence that you received after the purchase. If you created an account with us and purchased as a logged in customer, you can access the YOUR TICKETS panel after logging into your account. Then click Download the ticket or Send again.

  Can I change the date or time of departure myself?

Yes, it is possible to change the date of the journey but only if the route, the time and the price of the ticket is the same. Otherwise, you should return the ticket and buy a new one. Check how to return a ticket
To change the travel date, log in to the YOUR TICKETS panel using a 20-digit Ticket number. The number can be found on the ticket or in the e-mail correspondence that you received after the purchase. If you created an account with us and purchased as a logged in customer, you can access the YOUR TICKETS panel after logging into your account. Then click Change departure date and follow the instructions given there - if the date cannot be changed, a corresponding message will appear. In this case, you can return the ticket and buy a new one.

  Can I return the ticket myself?

Yes, log in to the YOUR TICKETS panel using a 20-digit Ticket number. The number can be found on the ticket or in the e-mail correspondence that you received after the purchase. If you created an account with us and purchased as a logged in customer, you can access the YOUR TICKETS panel after logging into your account. Then click the Cancel ticket button. If the return is possible, an appropriate message will appear along with the terms of the return - the date by which the return is possible and the amount of the compensation fee and service fee by which the refunded amount will be reduced. /The refund will be made to the account from which the payment was received. It usually takes about 3-5 business days. If you paid for the ticket with a payment card, the operator has up to 30 days to make the refund to your payment card(fragment do usunięcia)./Confirmation of the refund, and the return voucher as a code, will be sent to the e-mail address provided. The terms and conditions for ticket return are determined by each carrier individually. Information about the date and value of the refund is provided during the purchase of the ticket, before payment. When booking, please click Terms of the offer and ticket return. NOTE: Returns in the system are not possible after the vehicle has departed.

  How can I make a complaint?

Complaints should be sent to: bilety@e-podroznik.pl
The complaint should include the following information:
  • reason for complaint
  • passenger data
  • ticket number
  • date of travel
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